Project: Lebuhn & Puchta Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Solicitor mbB
Sector: Solicitors
Areas: Single-occupancy offices, library
Office furniture: basic S Shelf System
Specialist retailer: Gärtner, Hamburg
Photographer: Fotografie Schaulin, Hamburg
A large law firm, based in Hamburg, found itself "heading for new shores". The old abode, in a building on the jetty, was to be demolished. The firm moved into the HafenCity quarter of Hamburg. An important factor here was that not only the files and office materials were to be moved to the new premises, but also much of the existing furniture, including the desks, in particular. The interior designer, Gärtner from Hamburg, worked in cooperation with the customer to develop a concept that created a coherent overall package by amalgamating the old and new furnishing elements in an aesthetically pleasing and functional way.
From the office furniture and storage space planning through to the design of the conference rooms and reception area – everything came from a single source. A new, modern colour concept in turquoise and white runs through almost all of the rooms. Straight lines and clear forms dominate, but curved elements also found a place.
Room was made to provide the required storage space in the offices, cloakroom, and particularly in the company's own extensive library – with the highly functional basic S Shelf System from werner works.
Shelving systems up to seven files high, some fitted with front-running sliding doors in turquoise, not only provide the solicitors with sufficient space for storing files, but also create a modern office atmosphere.