A perfect arrive is a matter of luck.
When was the last time you were positively surprised when you opened the front door of the entry?
Which aspects are to consider as a manufacturer of high quality office systems so that the customer feels welcome by arriving?
You will find out more about these exciting questions in the following blog article.
Arriving is a social process. When a customer enters the reception area it doesn't mean that the customer will be advised directly by the reception staff. Sometimes the customer needs to wait some minutes. The customer wants to feel welcome and comfortable right at the moment he enters the reception area. Some sensory processes are triggered by the customer that are either positive or negative in nature. The mood of the reception personal plays an important role in this matter.
Are they stressed out, feel hectic and do they react dismissively?
Or is the customer directly greeted with a beautiful smile and a friendly tone?
These socio-psychological aspects play an important role by the reception systems.
Arriving is also a question of the room atmosphere.
Besides the choice of materials and colours in the interior design, the shape and arrangement of the reception desk is also of great importance. The entry area can be inviting or frightening, make it easier to get started or more difficult to arrive. The culture of a company is revealed as soon as you open the front door.
For us as a manufacturer of high quality office furniture systems, it is important to notice these aspects by the construction and the design of reception systems.
Meaning of colours in furniture
Socio-psychological aspects in furniture play an important role by the meaning of colours. Each colour expresses a different sensation and feeling. When a decision is made about the right colour of a furniture, the whole room concept should be considered. Therefore the colours of the walls have a big influence on the state of mind. The colour black stands for elegance and a certain high quality. In combination with other colour accents, this colour is a very good classic. In contrast to the colour black, white stands for clarity, purity and innocence. With large areas of white, we have the opportunity to place something different in the foreground. White can therefore be good combined with strong tones to achieve a better attention. A combination of the two colours represents the colour grey. Grey is an ambivalent colour and has a breathtaking effect. It stands for design, stringency and neutrality. The combination of the colour with bright light tones can create a powerful atmosphere which radiates creativity and dynamism.
The colour yellow stands for warmth, summer and friendliness. In the colour psychology this colour is a stimulating and creative colour. In furniture yellow is a colour, which represents strength and lends the room the necessary dynamism. Due to its conspicuosness, this colour remains in good recognition. Orange represents positivity and happiness. Furniture in an orange colour have an friendly impact and invites you to stay longer. Blue has an harmonical and relaxed effect at the same time. Blue furniture have a calming effect. Red tones are simply an eye catcher. Some positive characteristics are attributed to it, such as love and passion. As an accent colour it gives the room a unique touch. Green symbolizes authenticity, openess and naturalness. Green furniture stands for a certain vibrancy and gives the room a certain charme. Purple has a magical and mystical effect. Purple stimulates creative minds to come up with new ideas. Purple lends itself very well to unique contrasts by combining this colour with other bright colour accents. This radiates a certain extravagence, courage and independence.